95 Dial-up Networking/Internet Configuration Guide
The following
information is intended for people who want to use Windows 95 built-in
Internetworking capability to connect to ACom Media Ltd.
1. Verify
that Dial-up Networking is Installed
- Click on
the [Start] button at the bottom left-hand corner.
- Select Settings
then Control Panel. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
- Select the
Windows Setup tab, click on the Communications option and then
- Make sure
that the Dial-up Networking option selected.
If it is, go
on to step 2. If it isn't, select it and click OK. Windows 95 will
attempt to install the needed drivers, so make sure you've got your
Windows 95 installation disks or CD handy!
Now that Dial-up
Networking is installed, you can proceed to step 2.
2. Installing
Dial-up Adapter and TCP/IP Protocol
- Click on
the [Start] button.
- Select Settings
then Control Panel.
- Double-click
the Network icon.
- You'll see
a dialog box. [ Click
to view it ]
- Make sure the Configuration
tab is selected.
- Both Dial-Up Adapter and
TCP/IP should be present before you're ready to proceed to step
- To add the Dial-Up Adapter,
hit the Add button, double-click Adapter, then scroll down the
list until you can select Microsoft.
- Choose the Dial-Up Adapter
and hit OK.
- If you need to install
TCP/IP, hit the Add button, double-click Protocol, select Microsoft,
TCP/IP, and then OK.
- Now your Network dialog
box should contain Client for Microsoft Network, Dial-Up Adapter
and TCP/IP.
- Select TCP/IP, click Properties.
Click on WINS
Configuration tab, and make sure Disable WINS Resolution was choose.
Click on IP Address tab, and make sure obtain an IP address automatically.
Click on DNS configuration tab. Put in the DNS numbers
and in the
DNS Server Search Order box (click the Add button after entering
each DNS number).
[ Click
to view it ]
- You're now
ready to proceed to step 3.
3. Select your
- Click on
the [Start] button.
- Select Settings
then Control Panel.
- Double-click
the Modems icon.
- You would
be prompted with a dialog box. [
to view it ]
- If your modem
is not yet selected:
- Select Add,
switch on your modem and choose Next in the Install New Modem
dialog box.
The windows95
modem setup wizard will try to autodetect your modem, simply click
Next at each dialog box which pops up. Various connect time properties
could also be tweaked under Properties section in the above diagram.
Keep the default settings if you're unsure.
4. Set up the
Connection Icon
- Double-click
My Computer from the desktop
- Double-click
the Dial-Up Networking icon.
- Double-click
the Make New Connection icon.
- You would
be prompted with a dialog box. [ Click
to view it ]
- Type in a
name for this connection, for example, ACom Media Ltd.
- Click on
Configure, you'll get a dialog box. [
to view it ]
- In the General
section, crank up your modem speed to as fast as you think it
will go. If you have a 14.4K modem, for example, make the maximum
speed 19200. DO NOT, however, select Only connect at this speed.
This will let your modem to adjust to the highest speed.
Note: A general rule for 14.4 modem is 19200 bps and 28.8
modems is 38400 bps, but your mileage may vary.
- Click the
Next button in the Make New Connection wizard. Enter in the phone
number of ACom Media Ltd.. You don't need to put in an area code
if it's a local call.
- Press the
Finish button and your icon will be created.
[ Click
to view it ]
- Select your
newly-created connection icon, press the right mouse button and
choose Properties.
- You should
get a dialog box. [
to view it ]
- Next press
the Server Type button.
- You'll get
the Server Types dialog box. Be sure to check the settings accordingly
as shown in the figure. [ Click
to view it ]
Next click on TCP/IP Settings. Be sure to check the setting accordingly
as shown in figure. [ Click
to view it ]
- Hit the OK
button in the remaining dialog box, and you're almost ready to
Getting connected
to ACom Media Ltd. via Windows 95
- Double-click
your session icon that you recently made. Put your login ID and
password in the appropriate text areas. Login ID and password
are case-sensitive.
- Press the
Connect button and your modem should start dial. After a few rings,
our host machine should answer.